POM scarf with a long twistThis all started with a photo I found on Pinterest of a long skinny scarf on a hanger with two big pom poms at the ends. I wanted it. There was no option to purchase one. No pattern or instructions.
And so I made one! (And then another and another and another...) I've nicknamed these scarves my "anxiety scarves" because I love to work on them while I'm watching TV and need something to do with my hands. They help with the anxious energy and help stop the mindless scrolling. This is an ideal TV watching project because its simple and doesn't have a pattern that needs to be counted. It just takes forever to make one. |
1. I'll make it for youIf you want, I'll make a scarf for you! I adore knitting these scarves, and I now have four of my own. I'm ready to start knitting them for other people. (Plus this gives me an excuse to not learn how to knit anything else.)
Join the waitlist, and when its your turn, we'll chat about what color(s) you want and then I'll get to work! I don't have a set time frame for how long it will take to finish your scarf, so as I'm working, I'll keep you updated on my progress. That also means I don't know how long you'll be on the waitlist, so I'll try to come up with creative ways to keep you entertained while you wait for your turn (because I understand how much waiting sucks). The investment for a scarf is $250, split into a retainer of $125 due just before I start and the remaining $125 due after I finish your scarf. Shipping (within the US) or delivery is included in the price. If you are international, a shipping charge will be added to your final payment. |
2. You'll make it for youIf you're feeling brave, you can purchase my pattern for $1 and make the scarf yourself. It is a very easy pattern and would be great for a beginner. You'll need to know how to cast on, cast off, and do the knit stitch. The hardest part about this project is the amount of time & patience it requires. And to help with that, I highly recommend DMing me on Insta after you start, and I will be your cheerleader as you work on it!
And if you're wondering why I don't give the pattern away for free like a bunch of other knitting and crochet bloggers out there(especially because its an easy pattern), its because I want you to have a little skin in the game. How many FREE patterns have you downloaded that you've never done anything with? I won't judge you, I've been there. A LOT. And that's why my pattern is $1. Because then maybe the fact that you've spent money on this pattern will help fuel the desire to actually start the project. |